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Complete Instructions For Joining Club & Setting Up Own Club
Overview of Online Camera Club
Accessing Menu Options
Registering to become a Member
Alter Member Email or Password
Adding Member Profile
Logging on & Logging off as a Member
Joining another Club
Chat Room
View Available Competitions
Upload Photos for Competitions
View Competition Entries
Vote for Competition Winners
View Competition Results
Member Folio Page
Club Page
Leave & View Feedback
Create New Club
Set Competition Dates
View Leader Board
Re-assigning Photos to Different Competition
Alter Photo Caption / Delete Photo
Using a Phone
Trading Post Services
Frequently asked questions
Portfolio Competitions

Complete Instructions For Joining Club & Setting Up Own Club

Step 1. Register as member.
Log onto onlinecameraclubs.com and to acquaint yourself with the options available, select Tutorial, Overview or Download User Manual from the option selection bar at top of screen. To actually access the various options,a selected member of your club must register as a member of onlinecameraclubs.com. Log onto the web site and register by clicking on the photo at top of Home page which has inscription, Join an on-line camera club now or by clicking on REGISTER immediately below the photo.Terms and Conditions Accepted must be selected. On the Register as User form the required details must be provided.
Name This is the name that will be displayed as the provider of any images submitted. It may be entirely fictitious. We have Ansell Adams as a member. It must however be unique.
Nickname A unique name used when logging on. It is not displayed to other than the user.
Email This must be a valid email address. It is used to verify membership and also to communicate with the member. It is not displayed on the website.
Password Unique password used together with the Nickname to log onto the system.
Unique four character prefix for photos These four characters are added add the name of any image uploaded to the site. It ensures that different members can have images of originally the same name.
Locality This is optional. You may enter town, state or country to identify where you are.
Click on the Submit button. A verification code will be sent to the email address provided. Depending on your email system, this code MAY be sent to your SPAM box. Access this code and enter in the Verification Code box provided. Click on the verify button. Now click on the CONTINUE link that will be displayed. This is all the personal information ever required from you. You are now a member of the International Photographers Club group within the onlinecameraclubs.com framework. All members are members of this club regardless of the number of other clubs within the framework that they join.

Step 2. Logon From the Home page, logon by clicking on the photo on the right of the page displaying Registered users Log on or Logon from the option bar at top of page. Use the NickName and Password that you have just provided to access the system. A form will be displayed indicating the club logged onto and the current competition. Click on the CONTINUE link. The full menu for the system will be displayed on the left of the screen and the Quick Menu options will be on the main form. (These are the main functions used by a member for entering, viewing and voting in competitions.)

To Setup Own Camera Club Within onlinecameraclubs.com Framework

Note that this option is intended for existing physical camera clubs who do not have an online competition facility. For an online club to be practical it needs at least six members for the voting of winners to be meaningful. All members who register with onlinecameraclubs.com automatically become members of the International Photographers Club and can participate in their competitions etc.

Step 1. Create Club
Logon using the Nickname and password previously provided. Now that you are a member of the framework you can create your own club. Select Setup, then click on Create Club. The following details are required :
Club Name Enter the name of the club you wish to create.
Club Initials Enter identifying initials for the club.
Password Enter password required to set parameters for the new club. This may be the same password you used to register for the system or another if you wish. You, as the creator of this club will be the only one with ability to set parameters and nominate competition subjects and cut-off dates.
Competition Criteria Set criteria to allow or not allow competitors to vote for their own entries and to allow members to enter one, two or more than two entries per competition.
Club Policy You may make a statement regarding the aims etc of your club.
Click on Submit. A message will appear at top of screen indicating that club has been created.
Click on Quick Menu at top of screen to exit routine.

Step 2. Set Competition Dates
Select Setup then select Set Comp Dates. Select Club. When you created your club, you actually created two clubs one for Open Subject and one to Set Subject. The Set Subject club has the number 2 at the end of the Club Initials. The system is designed this way to give maximum flexibility. Select Your Club from the option provided. The club initials are displayed.
Enter Password used when creating the club. Click on Logon. The Set Club Competition Dates form will display. You may now enter as many competition dates and subjects as you wish.
Year Ensure that correct year for the competitions is displayed.
Enter day of month (01 to 31) Enter two character day of month for competition cut-off.
Month Select the month for the particular competition.
Enter competition week number (1 to 52) The competition week is NOT the week of the year. (eg. If the club conducts 12 competitions per year, successive competitions would be week numbers 1 to 12, etc)
Enter competition subject Enter concise description of set subject for that competition.
Notes Enter fuller description of set subject.
Click on submit. The details just entered will appear in a grid on the screen. Continue entering as many competition details as required. For every set subject competition you enter, another any subject competition is created with the same cut-off date. Click on Quick Menu to exit.

Members to Join New Club Step 1. Join onlinecameraclubs.com framework as previously described.

Step 2. Join Club
Select Members then Join another Club. The Join a Club page will display. Details of existing clubs with their policy will be displayed at top of screen. The new club that has been created for you will be included. Your existing password and User Name for the International Photographers Club will be displayed below the club details grid.
Compulsory New Password You must enter a new password for use to log onto the new club. It must be different to the password you created when joining the International Photographers Club in the onlinecameraclubs.com framework.
New User Name This is NOT compulsory. Leave it blank to retain the original User Name. However, if your club has an identifying code for each member, you can use that code here to keep your systems uniform. This is the name that will be displayed against each members images in this club.
Club Select the required club from the option box. Click on submit to complete the joining of the club.
Click on exit to leave the routine either before or after submitting your details.
NickName Your original NickName used for theInternational Photographers Club will be retained.

Logging onto Your New Club.
When logging on from the onlinecameraclubs.com Home page, use your original NickName. To log onto the new club, use the Password just created to enter competitions etc in the new club. If you wish to participate in competitions in the International Photographers Club , use the password you originally used. You are now a member of both clubs.

Overview of Online Camera Club

Aim The aim of the system is to provide a facility for photo and camera clubs to exhibit the work of members and run periodic competitions. Judging of competitions is done by all members participating in a particular competition.

Who can create a club? A club can be created by anyone who registers as a user. Once created, only the creator can set the competition frequency and competition subjects. Registered users can then join any club. A single person may join multiple clubs (with different nicknames and passwords for each club) if they so desire. When setting up a club there are options to allow or not allow members to vote for their own entries. There is also an option to allow or not allow members to enter single or multiple entries in each competition.

Who can be a member? Anyone can register to be a user and join the clubs already created. To register, a name is required (it does not need to be your actual name). The user nominates a unique nickname for identification and a unique password (up to ten alph-numerical characters) which they then use to log onto the system. A valid email address is required which is only used to provide forgotten password to the user and to provide reminders for voting etc. The user details are NOT provided to any other party and no advertising matter will ever be sent.

How do members participate? Members can view competition cut off dates and competition subjects. A facility is provided for members to upload their entries for the various competitions. Entries must be uploaded any time up to the cut-off date for a particular competition. This means that entries may be made at any convenient time for competitions with cut-off dates well into the future.

What are the restrictions? The only restrictions are that photos to be uploaded must be in .jpg format and no larger than 20000kb in size. Strictly NO OFFENSIVE MATERIAL is to be uploaded.

How is judging done? Members can view all entries in a particular club competition in the week following the competition cut-off date. Each member may then select their choice for winner, second, third and two highly commended. Points will be awarded and the photos with the appropriate highest scores will be allocated those places. Members may vote any time within the seven days after the competition cut-off date. Members may only vote once per competition. When a club is originally setup, there is an option to exclude or not exclude members from voting for their own work.

What is competition sequence? Members can look up competitions in which they may compete. Three days before cut-off date of a competition, members of the club holding the competition receive an email advising of the competition closing date. On the cut-off date, members receive another email advising that the competition has closed and that they have seven days in which to record their vote in that competition. At the closing of the voting period votes are automatically tallied and members receive an email advising that voting is completed and that the results are available to be viewed.

How are points scored? When voting, members select their choice of winner, second, third and two highly commended entries. Points are scored eight for first, five for second, three for third and two for highly commended from each voter. Each entry receives one vote for having entered. The scores are totalled for each entry and the score for each entry is displayed. The total points for each competitor are accumulated against their annual score. For the Whole Year When calculating Leader Board total, a check is made if member has voted in competitions in which they have entered, and if so, 10 points are added to Leader Board total for each time voted. The TOTAL points determine the Leader Board positions.
In the case that a club allows multiple entries in a single competition, an overall score is calculated for each member. This divides the number of points accumulated by the number of entries made.

Accessing Menu Options

back to contents Except for Overview, Help & Tutorial no menu options can be accessed until the user has registered and logged on. A red flashing warning to that effect will display on the home screen. Once logged on menu options may be accessed in a number of ways. On the home page, two quick options are provided for registering and logging on. A user may register simply by clicking on the top image on the home screen displaying the 'Join an on-line Camera Club now' message. Once a user is registered they may quickly log on by clicking on the right hand image on the home page displaying the 'Registered users Log on' message.
Drop-down Menu Simply click on the option heading - Setup - Members - Competitions - Galleries - Portfolio Competitions - Quick Menu - Help & Feedback - About then select the particular option desired.
From Other Screens All other screens have 'menu' or 'Home' options at the top left of the screen. Clicking on these options returns the user to the Home page where all other options are available. Some screens also have in addition drop down menus from which related options may be accessed.Note that from these drop down menus the selected option will not be accessed until the 'GO' button to the right of the menu bar is also clicked.
Quick Menu When a member logs on the 'Quick Menu' is automatically displayed. This menu provides direct selection of current weeks for selected options. It simplifies voting and viewing results etc. This 'Quick Menu' is accessible from either drop down menu or most selected options. Club Page Select Members then Club Page This page has other options accessed from both drop down menu and directly clicking on the desired option.

Registering to Become a Member

back to contents You must register as a member before the options of the system are available. Once registered, you may log on using your unique nickname and password and access all of the member options. If you do not register or have not logged on, any attempt to access an option will return you to the home page.
This form records the user details necessary to successfully operate the system. The Name provided (up to 40 characters) need not be the user's actual name. This will only be used for identification purposes in the event of the user forgetting their password. The Nickname (up to 30 characters) is what will be displayed with photos uploaded and entered in competitions. The nickname must be unique and so in the case of the supplied Nickname already being in use, you will be notified when trying to register. The Email provided will be used to receive verification code to complete registration. It will also be used to remind the user of the closing date for competitions, closing of competitions and completion of voting in competitions. The Password (up to 10 characters) is used by the member to log onto the system at all times once the user is registered. Obviously the password must be unique and so in the case of the supplied password already being in use, you will be notified when trying to register.
The Unique four character prefix for photos is required to allow different members to upload photos of the same image name. When uploading photos, the image has this prefix attached to make the image name unique. Without this prefix any image attempted to be uploaded with the same name as an existing image would be rejected. The prefic must be unique and so in the case of the supplied prefix already being in use, you will be notified when trying to register.
Once the information above is supplied click on the Submit button to record the details. However at this stage a unique Verification Code will be sent to the email address provided. The user must then enter this code in the box provided and click on ther verify button. Failure to provide the verification code will result in the registration not taking place. This verification code prevents the creation of memberships with false email addresses.
Users only need to register once. They can then join as many clubs as they wish without having to re-register although they require a different nickname for each additional club. Once registration is completed the member is automatically logged on and becomes a member of the 'International Photographers Club'. This club has two competitions for each period -'Open Subject' and 'Set Subject'. The member may later optionally join any of the other clubs available on the system. The member may access the Log on screen direcly from the link at top of registration form or by returning to the Home page and logging in from there. Go to user registration now

Changing Member Email Address or Password

back to contents

Members may change their email address or password if they wish. To change these details, they must verify their identity by entering a validation code before making the changes.
Select Members then Alter Member Details The verification form will display. Options are :
Exit without change which will take you back to the Quick Menu.
continue to send verification email which will generate a verification code that will be sent to your currently recorded email address. Click on this option. A message will display advising that an email has been sent.
Check your email for the verification code. Enter this code in the box provided and click on the verify button. If the code is incorrect, a message will be displayed, otherwise the form for changing the details will be displayed.
You cannot change your nickname You can change your email address, your password or both. If you wish To change email address enter your new address in both boxes provided. If you wish To change password, enter your new password in both boxes provided. Click on the Submit button. Exit this page by clicking on the Exit button, or select Home or Quick Menu. When logging on in the future you must use the new password.
Go to alter member details now

Adding a Member Profile

back to contents Members may optionally add a personal profile to provide this information for other members to see. The profile includes an optional photo. Text can be recorded and added to at any time or existing text deleted and replaced with a new version. Member profiles may be viewed by any member. Profile options may be selected from the HOME drop down menu or from the Club Page

Using Chat Room

back to contents There is a Chat Room for members to communicate with each other. Chat Room options may be selected from the HOME drop down menu or from the Club Page The Category of comment (General, Make a Query, Answer a Query) is selected. If the comment is in answer to a query from another member, the member's name may optionally be selected from the Reply to Member option box. Type the comment in the text box provided and click on submit button. To View Chat Entries select this option from Club Page, HOME drop down menu or top of Chat Room page. You may select all category of chat entry or confine your viewing to General, Queries or Answers. There is also a search for box. You may type any word or words here to find chat entries containing those key words. Click on the view button to retrieve entries. If the entries exceed a page, keep clicking on the view button to scroll down the entries. To do a new search or restart, click on the restart button before clicking on the view button. Go to Chat Room now

Logging on & Logging off as a Member

back to contents Once the user is a registered member they log onto the system using any of the methods provided. Enter the Nickname and password you provided at registration and click on the logon button. If you have forgotten your password click in the Forgetten password? check box, then click on logon. Your password will be emailed to the email address provided when registering membership. When successfully logged on, if you have joined a club, the system remembers the club to which you belong. The system also remembers your Nickname. Select either Set Subject or Open Subject using the option buttons provided. Click on the Logon button. The Logged On screen will appear. Click on CONTINUE to show the Home page with complete menu and QUICK MENU on the main panel. You may now make your required menu selections.
Logging off Select Members then Logoff to log off. The system will no longer remember your nickname until you next complete the 'Log on' procedure.Go to logon now

Joining another Club

back to contents Select the menu option using any of the methods provided. Provide a new password in the appropriate box. Select a club to join from the drop down list provided.
New User Name
This is NOT compulsory. Leave it blank to retain the original User Name. However, if your club has an identifying code for each member, you can use that code here to keep your systems uniform. This is the name that will be displayed against each members images in this club.
Click on the submit button to record the membership.
Joining Multiple Clubs Members may join as many clubs as they wish. However for each club a new unique password is required. The user name, prefix and nickname supplied when originally registering as a member still apply for all clubs joined. You remain a member of any clubs you have already joined. When club selection is finished, click on the exit button. Go to join club

View Available Competitions

back to contents Available competitions are those which have been set by the club and for which the closing date for entries has not yet been reached. Select this menu option using one of the methods provided. A table of competitions showing Club Initials, Closing Date, Club Week and Subject will display. Members may enter in any competition in the club to which they belong at any time prior to the closing date for that competition. This means that on any one day or at any appropriate day a member may enter multiple competitions.Go to available competitionss now

Upload Photos for Competitions

back to contents Restrictions on images able to be uploaded Images that are not .jpg or .jpeg and are larger than 20000Kb (20MB) will generate an error and will NOT be uploaded.
Select the menu option using any of the methods provided. The upload form The form has a drop down menu bar at top.The image of the most recently uploaded photo is displayed below the data entry boxes. The member should have decided which competitions to enter prior to selecting this menu option as photos are uploaded to enter nominated competitions. Only competitions run by the Member's Club will be shown for selection. The year of the competition and the club week for the competition are selected from the drop down option boxes. Note that only competition weeks where competitions are still active are available. The category to be selected from the drop down option box is the category which best fits the photo NOT the competition category. Any appropriate details about the photo can be entered in the large text box.
Select the image to upload in the Filename / Browse box. Once the image is selected, click on the Upload button. If upload is successful, the image of the uploaded photo will display.
Reason for failure to upload. Photos will be rejected and error message displayed for following reasons -

Go to upload photos now

View Competition Entries

back to contents Select the menu option using any of the methods provided. Competition entries may be viewed at any time. Note that this same routine is used to vote on competitions. The competitions able to be selected are automatically confined to those competitions run by the logged on member's club. Select the year and club week from the drop down option boxes. Note that entries in completed competitions may also be selected. Click on the view entries box.
Displayed Photos The screen will change and there will be reset, next and previous selection buttons at the top of the screen. The first twenty photos of the selected competition will be displayed with a number box on the right of each photo. To view the next twenty photos click on the next button. To go back to the previously displayed twenty photos, click on the previous button. At any time to go back to the first twenty photos, click on the reset button.
View enlarged images To view enlarged image click on the image or the number box to the right of the image. An enlarged image will be displayed on a new screen. To return to the previous screen, click on the Return to Comp Photos link at top of screen.Caution! Do not use browser back arrow to return to previous screen or you risk losing continuity.Go to view competition entries now

Vote for Competition Winners

back to contents Select the menu option using any of the methods provided. Competition entries may be viewed for voting at any time. Note that this same routine is used to view competition entries. The competitions able to be selected are automatically confined to those competitions run by the logged on member's club. Select the year and club week from the drop down option boxes. Note that entries in completed competitions may also be selected, but if voting has been completed, the new vote will not be accepted. Click on the vote for winner box.
Displayed Photos The screen will change and there will be a 'reset', 'next' and 'previous' selection buttons at the top of the screen. The first twenty photos of the selected competition will be displayed with a number box on the right of each photo. To view the next twenty photos click on the 'next'button. To go back to the previously displayed twenty photos, click on the 'previous' button. At any time to go back to the first twenty photos, click on the 'reset' button.
View enlarged images To view enlarged image click on the image or the number box to the right of the image. An enlarged image will be displayed on a new screen. To return to the previous screen, click on the 'Return to Comp Photos' link at top of screen.Caution! Do not use browser back arrow to return to previous screen or you risk losing continuity.
Voting Points are awarded to each photo with 8 points for winner, 5 points for second, 3 points for third and 2 points for each of the highly commended. Every entry receives 1 point for entering. These points are awarded for each voter's selection of winners. Points awarded are then tallied for each photo and highest point scorers are declared the winners. Each competitor's competition results are added to Leader Board totals. When calculating Leader Board positions, a check is made if member has voted in competition, and if so, 10 points are added to Leader Board total.
Take note of the number to the right of the photos you have selected for place getters. Enter these numbers in the appropriate boxes at the top of the screen. Double check your entries. Now click on the 'submit' button. Your selections will be displayed. You will have the option to accept the values you have entered or reject the current entries. If rejected, you will be able to re-enter snd go through this routie again. If accepted and no other errors have been made, your vote has been cast!
Reasons for Rejection

Go to vote for competition winners now

View Competition Results

back to contents

Select the menu option using any of the methods provided. Select the year and competition week from the drop down selection boxes. Ther is an option to view votes either by voter or by photo. Click on which option you require. By voter will display a grid showing details of selected competition showing each of the voters and the photo numbers they voted for win, second, third and highly commendeds. By photo lists all photos in selected competition and the number of win, second, third and highly commended votes scored and the number of points received. 8 for win, 5 for second, 3 for third and 2 for highly commended). Each entry scores 1 point for entering. Go to view competition results now

Member Folio Page

back to contents The Member Folio Page allows members to upload up to 100 images to their own folio. Images in this folio may have details altered or be removed from the site. Images in the folio may be assigned to club competitions. Your folio may be viewed by other members of your club. Note that images you remove from current competition will be transferred to the member folio. Select the menu option from the Quick Menu (above the displayed year). The Member Page menu will be displayed.
Upload Images to your Folio jpeg images up to 20000k may be uploaded. At the top of the page there is a link to a third party site where your images may be resized if necessary. Select the category for your image and enter any description you require for the image. Use the Browse button to select your image, then click on the Upload button.
View your Folio Select this option to view images in your folio. Images displayed may be enlarged by clicking on them.
Alter Photo Details Select the photo you wish to alter or delete and enter the number displayed on the right of the image in the box provided. If you wish to provide a different caption for the image, enter in the box provided. If you wish to remove the image from your folio and from the site altogether, select the Remove Photo button. Click on submit.
View Portfolios of Other Members Select the member from the drop down list provided. Click on Select Folio to View. If the selected member has images in his folio, they will be displayed Go to member page now

Club Page

back to contents Select the menu option using any of the methods provided. The Club Page has a variety of options that may be of interest to club members. It also has direct links to specific menu options. Notes and information will be provided there from time to time. Members should access it from time to time to keep up to date. Go to club page now

Leave & View Feedback

back to contents Select the menu option using any of the methods provided. Selecting this menu option goes directly to the form for leaving feedback and comments. At the top left of the form is the link to the viewing of feedback. Leaving Feedback There is a drop down selection box to select category of feedback.

Select the appropriate category and type feedback in the text box provided. If the comment is in reply or associated to a feedback item already posted, select the id number from the drop down list. Click on the ''submit' button. Viewing Feedback Click on the 'View Feedback' link at the top of the screen. The View Feedback from Users screen will be displayed. The 'search for' text box allows the user to enter some text for which the system will search within all feedback provided. Any comments containing the entered text will be displayed. The user may also optionally select a particular category of feedback for display. Click on the 'view' button to retrieve the comments. If you wish to make other searches, click on the 'restart' button to make all comments available. If the comments are too many to fit on page, keep clicking on 'view' to scroll down the page.Go to feedback now

Create New Club

back to contents Select the menu option using any of the methods provided.When a new member registers they automatically become members of the 'International Photographers Club' which is the original club created in the system. At any time in the future they may change to a new club. New clubs would normally be set up by an existing camera or photo club to gain an on-line presence for their club. In that case a responsible person from the club would create the new club and set the parameters and dates for club competitions. Anyone who is a member of any of the 'onlinecameraclubs.com' can create a new club but there is little point unless the new club is going to have members. Creating Club The club requires a name of up to 100 characters. The club requires club initials (up to 6 characters) to be displayed in various routines within the system. The creator provides a password that will be required whenever competition dates etc are to be recorded.
Own Vote option. The club can optionally allow members to vote for their own photos when voting in competitions or bar them from voting for themselves. Select the required option.
Multi Entry option. The club may optionally allow members to submit more than one entry per competition or bar the practice. Select the required option. Click on the 'submit' button. Once the club has been created, competition dates must be provided.Go to create new club now

Set Competition Dates

back to contents Select the menu option using any of the methods provided. The password set by the creato0r 0of the club is required. If the password has been forgotten, check the Forgotten password?' box before clicking on the 'logon' button. The 'Set Competition Dates' screen will display. Competitions are normally set on a yearly basis and numbered sequentially from the start of the year. This number is referred to as the 'week'. Details entered are cut-off dates for last date on which entries will be accepted for that competition. Select the 'year' from the drop down option box. The 'day of month' is entered as a two digit number. (eg, 9th of any month -enter '09'). The actual 'month' is selected from the drop down selection box. 'Competition week number' is entered. Normally the sequential numbers would start at '1'. The subject for the designated competition is then entered. (up to 30 characters). The 'submit' button is clicked to record the entry. As many entries as may be required may now be made. As entries are made, details are displayed in a grid on the screen.Go to set competition dates now

View Leader Board

back to contents Select the menu option using any of the methods provided. There is option to view leader board for a particular week or view the accumulated scores for the whole of the selected year. If a particular week is required, select the year and week from the drop down option boxes the click on the 'Selected Week' button. To view the accumulated point scores select the year and click on the 'Whole Year' button. The grid will display the club initials, the year, (and if selected, the week), the member's nickname then the number of wins, seconds, thirds, highly commended scored and the points for those votes. The number of photos entered in the nominated competitions is displayed. For the Whole Year For the Whole Year When calculating Leader Board total, a check is made if member has voted in competitions in which they have entered, and if so, 10 points are added to Leader Board total for each time voted. The TOTAL points determine the Leader Board positions.
Leader Board total. points are divided by the number of points available in the competitions entered to calculate the % points available. It is only the Total Points that count. The score gives members who have not entered all of the competitions for the year an opportunity to assess their performance against those who have entered a lot more competitions.
Go to view leader board now

Using a Phone

back to contents You may use a phone to access the system and upload photos. It is first necessary to upload an app to the phone enabling the reduction of the image size on the phone to be reduced to the maximum 20000Kb allowed. A suitable one is 'LitPhotos' but there are many others suitable. Caution! Some of these apps reduce the image size and automatically save the new image over the existing image thus effectively deleting the larger sized image. If the larger images are required, they should be copied to a different location prior to the resizing.
Log onto 'onlinecameraclubs.com/p.php' to go directly to modified Logon screen. Logging on will in turn take you directly to the 'Upload Photos' modified screen. Use this method to upload your photos then use your computer for all other options.alter photo caption / delete photo

Re-assign Existing Photo to New Competition

back to contents Select Competitions then Move Photos to Different Competition. All of the photos that you have previously uploaded will be displayed. Each photo will have an identifying number at the bottom right of the image. Type the identifying number of the photo you wish to re-assign in the box provided. Select the year and week of the competition in which you wish to enter the photo. Click on the 'submit' button to complete the transfer. Transfer will not take effect if you try to transfer a photo that is not yours - if the photo is already in nominate competition - if the nominated competition does not exist or if the competition has a restriction on the number of entries you may have and you have already the maximum number of entries in the competition. You can only re-assign photos to competitions within the same club.Go to re-assign photos now

Alter Photo Caption / Delete Photo

back to contents You may alter the existing caption for an uploaded photo or delete photo from system. Select Competitions then Move Photos to Different Competition or alternatively from the Club Page. The photos uploaded by the user will be displayed together with an identifying number on the right of the image.
Change Caption Enter the identifying number of the required photo in the box provided. If you only wish to provide a new caption, enter the new caption in the box provided. Click on the submit button.
Remove Photo Enter the identifying number in the box provided. Click the Remove Photo button. Click on the submit button. Reference to the photo image and the image will be deleted. If you wish to re-enter the photo at a later date, you may use the same filename. Go to alter photo caption / delete photo now

Trading Post Services

back to contents Provison is made for members to offer items for sale or exchange as well as to list items they wish to buy. Any services members can offer that may be of benefit to other members may also be offered. This is a completely free service to members - there are no commissions or fees required. It is also completely anonymous as no seller or buyer details are displayed. If a member replies to a listing, their offer is automatically emailed to the lister with their email details and it is then up to the member who made the listing as to if they reply to the offer or not. Any deal done is strictly between the member making the listing and the member making the offer. onlinecameraclubs.com take no part in the transaction and take no responsibility for any outcomes that may be in dispute.

Frequently Asked Questions

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I have uploaded a photo to the wrong competition. What can I do? Follow the following routine -
1. Select Competitions thenDelete / Alter Photo Details
2. Select the photo you want to move and put number in box provided
3. Select 'Remove Photo'
4. Click on 'Submit'
This will remove photo from competition and put it in your folio page. If you have put two photos in wrong competition, do this for both photos.
If you have wrongly uploaded images to the required competition you will need to remove them in the same way before continueing
5. Now select Members and click on ''s Member and Folio Page'
6. Click on 'Assign Photo to Competition'. Your photos should be displayed
7. Make sure you are in 'Set Subject' or 'Open Subject' whichever is what you want
8. Put the photo number in 'Photo number to be reassigned' box provided
9. Select 'year' and 'week' of required competition
10. Click on 'Submit' button
Do this for required images.
Sometimes I can enter a competition on the closing date, sometimes I can't. Competitions definitely close on the closing date. At exactly what time on the date depends on your time zone. The 'closing date' is the date the competition closes. To be sure of your entry, enter BEFORE the closing date. All of this also applies to voting.
How can I remove an image from the site? Use the routine Alter Photo Caption / Delete Photo to transfer your image to your folio page. Then use the routine to remove image from site altogether.
How do I resize my images to less than 2000kb? Images up to 20000kb will automatically be reduced to less than 2000kb on uploading. However you may reduce te images prior to uploading if you wish. There is a third party link where you can resize images at top of Quick Menu as well as top of any page where image uploads take place. Otherwise if you are a Linux user, the program 'GThumb' provides a resizing routine. There are similar programs provided on Windows operating systems. If using phone to upload photos, 'LitPhotos' is an Android app that wFrequently asked questionsill resize images. There are many others available. Do a search of your app store.
I click on 'Vote' and no competition week is available for voting If the current competition has not yet reached the completion date and voting has closed for the previous competition, there is no competition available for voting. You can only vote in the seven days after a competition has reached the closing date - not before. Voting finishes seven days after the completion date.
I click on 'view last competition Voting not completed' and there is nothing to view' No entries are displayed because voting has completed in the last competition and the current competition voting has not begun because the completion date has not yet been reached.
I click on an option in the HOME page drop down menu and nothing happens When an option from the HOME page drop down menu is selected, the selection must be completed by clicking on the 'GO' button to the immediate right of the drop down menu.
Why must images uploaded be limited to 2000kb in size? The size limit is imposed to prevent the system from becoming too slow in operation. If the system had to load and display a large number of photos simultaneously it could take an unacceptable time for images to display. In fact when photos are uploaded, two images are recorded and saved. The second image is considerably smaller than the original. When the system is called upon to display a lot of images such as when viewing the entries in a competition, the small images are used for the initial display. When one of these images is selected for full size viewing, the original larger image is used. To further maintain speed, only twenty small images are displayed at the same time. Further images are displayed by progressively clicking on the 'next >' button at the top of screen until all images are displayed. You can return to the previously displayed page of images by clicking on the '< previous' button.
What's the difference in selecting menu options from 'Quick Menu' and other methods? The options on the Quick Menu are all also available from the HOME menu bar. The Difference is that from the 'Quick Menu' when options are selected, the appropriate current 'week' for the option is selected by default. Most of these options selected in any other manner do NOT default to appropriate week. This is to allow selection of previous competition weeks to display details from past competitions.
What are the photos that keep appearing on most pages? These photos have nothing to do with current competitions or anything else within the system. They are for purely decorative purposes only and are randomly generated from all of existing photos. Occassionally a blank image will display - this is because the actual image generated has been removed for some purpose but the reference to the image remains

Portfolio Competitions

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Portfolio Competitions are additional to normal competitions. They are held less frequently than the normal competitions, have only a set subject with no open subject and are available only in the International Photographers Group.
Members enter a portfolio of five images on the theme of the set subject to be judged as a group.
The routine to follow to enter Portfolio Competition is as follows -
1. Images that you think you may use are first loaded to the 's Members Folio Page. You may use images that have previously been used in normal competition, but it is best to rename them before uploading to the 's Members Folio Page.
2. Five images are selected and reassigned to the current competition. For images to be displayed correctly, all five images should be reassigned sequentially at the same time. The images will be removed automatically from your 's Members Page to the competition.
3. Images may be removed from the competition and others substituted but not in the period after closing of the competition and before judging is finished. You may also alter caption with the same restrictions.
4. All entries may be viewed as a group and individual images may be enlarged for better inspection.
Go to Portfolio Competition now