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IMPORTANT MESSAGES - last 14/08/2024
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15th August 2024 Changes to Calculating Points for Trophy Leader Board
The intent of the trophy is to award the entrant who has the most consistent high results in the normal competitions plus the portfolio. The current system has served well in the past, but intense analysis of current and previous voting trends suggests that there is a better way.
Currently, when a voter selects a winning image, that image is awarded 8 points. When a highly commended image is selected, it is awarded 2 points. The current system implies that the winning entry is 4 times as good as the highly commended entry. Clearly no voter actually thinks that to be the case. For an image to be included in the 5 picked by a voter to be awarded points is a significant achievement. Generally speaking, voters find it difficult to seperate their top picks when deciding on placings. For an entrant to continually have images selected in that group as oposed to having an occasional single winner is considered by the Administrator to be more significant in terms of trophy intent.
For the purposes of calculating points for the Trophy Leader Board, (NOT for the normal competitions, which remain as in the past) All five images selected by voter will receive only one point. For example, previously an image receiving 3 winner votes would receive 24 points - now they will receive only 3 points, the same as an image receivng 3 highly commended votes. All other points such as 10 for voting etc will no longer count on Trophy Leader Board.
In the event of a tied result, the entrant with the most 'winner' votes will win. (If still tied, the most 'second' votes will apply. If necessary the most 'third' and if still no winner, a tied result will be declared.
29/04/2024 A problem with rotating images has now been corrected. To rotate images, go to the Home page and click on Competitions, then click on Rotate. Choose the image to rotate, then click on either Clockwise or Anticlockwise.
15th August, 2023 There have been ongoing problems sending emails to accounts @gmail.com with the emails going to the spam folder. Hopefully those problems have now been rectified. If you have a gmail email account and you receive this message, consider the problem solved for now. We have not been aware of any problems with other email accounts.
20th July, 2023 - gmail occasionally make changes to requirements for emails to be delivered to emails with @gmail.com names. Unfortunately these changes are unannounced and result in emails being delivered to your 'spam' box. Consequently if you have a @gmail.com email address, you sometimes will not appear to receive emails sent from onlinecameraclubs.com. Try looking in your 'spam' box. Mark any onlinecameraclubs emails found there as 'NOT SPAM'. This could help but there is no easy fix, so to be sure of not experiencing this problem it may be worth your while to create another email account with someone like yahoo.com and change your email address on onlinecameraclubs.com.
Now that site has been relocated, all times are Tasmanian time. This means that competition closing dates etc will OCCUR EXACTLY AT THE TIME NOMINATED.
For example, competition ending date of 15th August will end at MIDNIGHT on 14th August.
Get your entries in early!
International Photographers Group of onlinecameraclubs.com will have an annual trophy for the member with the highest overall points score.
For year 2021, points scored in competitions run from July 1st to December 31st will count towards overall trophy eligible points. This is to allow members who have not regularly entered competitions this year to fairly compete.
Eligible points for the nominated period will be as follows -
All points awarded in Open Section including points for voting
All points awarded in Set Subject including points for voting
All points awarded in Portfolio Competition including points for voting Note that points from Portfolio Competition will be multiplied by 6 to compensate for there only being four Portfolio Competitions per year.
Current Leader Board totals for 2021 will continue till end of year for Set Subject, Open and Portfolio Competitions, but ONLY POINTS ACCUMULATED AFTER END OF JUNE WILL COUNT TOWARDS TROPHY.
In year 2022, all points awarded in all competitions for the whole year will count towards the overall points winner trophy.
Trophy is shield 320mm high by 260mm wide made from myrtle, blackwood and huon pine timber. It will have a plaque attached, inscribed
'International Photographers Group'
'Winner Highest Overall Points Score 2021'

Winner keeps the trophy, so winner will need to supply postal address for delivery.

When voting in a competition ends, the following actions take place -
1. Emails are automatically sent to all club members advising the voting is closed
2. Votes are allocated to the images in the competition and converted to points
3. Images are sorted into order of votes received and made available for viewing in descending order by photo in completed competition
4. Winning image details are added to the 'winners' file for viewing in 'HOME/galleries/Winners Gallery'
5. The 'HOME' page gets winner images to display from the 'winners' file
In the Event of Tied Competition with More Than One Image With Same Points
Image sequence in step 3 above is independent from sorting for step 4. Step 4 is most likely to place the image entered earliest above the one entered later. Once written to the 'winners' file that image will be displayed on the 'HOME' page.
All of the above actions are automatic, and at present there is no provision to handle a tied result in any other way.
Note that images in a tied result get exactly the same Leader Board points towards end of year total
This is a good reason to get your entries in early.
Assistance Available on All Pages
All pages have an 'Assistance' option button at top right of options bar. Moving the cursor over this option will display assistance in using the selected function
Quick Menu has been modified -
The selection of 'HOME' page at bottom of page has been replaced with link to 'Closing Dates for Entries & Upcoming Competitions'. The closing dates for current competitions and the closing dates for voting can be viewed there. Also all Upcoming Competitions are listed.
The selection 'View Important Notes & Available Competitions' has been change to 'view important notes' only. See above for viewing upcoming competitions.
The 'View Important Notes' selection now only displays Important Notes - Available Competitions are no longer displayed there.
Change to Leader Board (Full Year)
When viewing whole year Leader Board scores, the votes recorded in the latest competition where the VOTE HAS NOT YET BEEN COMPLETED are no longer included in the score. Those votes are added immediatley the voting is completed.
Increase in Maximum File Size that can be Uploaded
The maximum file size that can be uploaded has been increased 10 fold - from 2 MB to 20 MB
If files being uploaded exceed 2MB, the file size is automatically reduced to less than 2MB during the upload routine.This removes the need for members to resize images before uploading. The final image quality is the same as if the images are previously resized.
Upload Speed
The larger size of the file being uploaded means that time to upload will increase. Depending on your internet speed, this should not create any problems. If you have very slow internet speed, it is possible that upload will time out before completion. If this happens you should resize images before uploading as before.

A very important change is being made to the scoring system to commence in 2021.
As well as the normal scoring system of 8 points for winner, 5 points for second, 3 points for third, 2 points for highly commended, a further 10 points will be added to their Leader Board score when competition entrants vote. This is being implemented in an attempt to ensure that those who enter a competition actually vote in that competition. If an entrant fails to vote, their Leader Board score will be 10 points less than it could be.
For the scoring system to work properly all entrents need to vote. Details are as follows -
1. System commences with week 1 competition of 2021
2. Current score for voting remains as is
3. For the Whole Year When calculating Leader Board TOTAL, a check is made if member has voted in competitions in which they have entered, and if so, 10 points are added to Leader Board TOTAL for each time voted. The TOTAL points determine the Leader Board positions.
4. Voting points apply to both set and open subjects
5. Only one additional 10 points for voting is applied in each of open and set subjects regardless of if 1 or 2 entries are made in each of set and open competitions
6. Voting points apply in each competition week
7. Theoretically by the end of 2021 (24 competition weeks) voting points available to each member equal 240 points in each of set and open subjects
8. This should encourage members to ensure that they have voted correctly.

1. When you vote and click on 'submit', your placings are displayed BEFORE being recorded to enable you to verify that the image numbers entered are actually your intended placings. If they are correct, you MUST click on 'CONFIRM'. If placings shown are incorrect, you MUST click on 'REJECT' and re-enter your placings.
2. If your vote is recorded, a message indicating that your vote has been successfully recorded is displayed at top of screen. If however your vote has NOT been recorded, a message will be displayed at bottom of screen indicating WHY your vote has not been recorded and you should re-enter your vote.
1. You have given same image multiple placings (ie placed same image number in winner and highly commended)
2. You have voted for your own entry
3. You have entered the image number of an image that is not in this competition
4. You have already voted in this competition
5. You have not voted for all 5 positions
In all of these cases you may start voting again.

1. From the 'HOME' menu bar select 'Members' then 'Activity'.
2. Click on the 'submit' button
3. A table will display showing each occasion on which you have visited the voting module (voteComp)
4. The table shows a reference Id, the club you were in, your Member code, the Module, a Reference and the Date and Time.
5. If your vote was actually recorded, 'Voted' is displayed in the 'Ref' column.
6. Check the club and date for those entries where 'Voted' is displayed. The date must be within 7 days after the competition closing date. If there is no applicable entry, your vote has not yet been recorded.

I hope this is clear. If you have any questions, please record on the 'Feedback' page and I will reply.
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