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Tutorial - page 1 The HOME Page

Description The HOME page offers access to all functions available on the system. At the top of the screen are links to the 'Policy', 'Tutorial', 'Setup', 'Members', 'Competitions', 'Galleries', 'Portfolio Competitions', 'Quick Menu', 'Help & Feedback', 'Contact Us' and 'Log Off' menus. Below that is a graphic link to the user registration page. Immediately below that you may optionally click on the 'you must REGISTER' link to the registration page. When logging onto the 'onlinecameraclubs.com' site, the HOME page displays.
Initially there is a notice in the centre of the screen advising the user they


Below this a link to 'Use the Quick Menu for common tasks'. Below that again is a link to 'Logon' for members to log onto the system options.

The images of the most recent winners of the 'Open Subject' and 'Set Subject' competitions on each side of the screen.

Become a Member You only need to register once to become a nember. Once you have completed registering, you log onto the system by clicking either on the 'Logon' in centre of the screen, the 'Logon' in the the 'Members' menu link at top of page, flashing 'MUST LOG ON TO ACCESS OPTIONS' message to go to the 'Logon' page. Here you use the nickname and password supplied at registration to logon. Select which competition Open Subject or Set Subject. Click on 'Submit'. A screen will be displayed showing your logon name and the club that you are currently logged onto. Click on 'CONTINUE' and you will be returned to the full system option 'Home' page. You may access the 'Quick Menu' from the link at top of the 'Home' page.
The Quick Menu The options there simplify voting and viewing results by defaulting to the required competition for current competition week voting and viewing.
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