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Terms and Conditions Accepted

Terms and Conditions NOT Accepted

Take Note! The copyright of all images remains the property of the Member submitting the image

You need to accept these conditions to be able to access options.

Terms & Conditions for Use of's Club Management System

These routines are provided 'as is' and users use the system at their own risk.
Be aware that anybody can download anything from the internet, so if you have any photos that you think have a commercial value, do not upload them.
This site is provided for user enjoyment only. No information provided here will be shared with any other party. No images stored here will be provided to any other third party. The site has been made as secure as possible but no guarantee can be made against the possibility of the site being hacked but only data available apart from actual images is confined to user name provided (which can be ficticous), email address and specific password (which is encrypted) for this site.
Be aware that the providers of this system are in NO WAY liable under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES for damages through the use of this program. Obviously you use it at your own risk.
In the case of REGISTERED USERS (there is NO COMPULSION to register with a valid name) any email addresses provided will NOT be provided to any third party and will only be used as required to deliver forgotten passwords and competition reminders. No advertising material or the like will be sent to any email address provided.

Strictly NO OFFENSIVE MATTER to be posted on this web site. Anything thought to be offensive will be reported and deleted.

Users confirm that any photos uploaded are indeed their own work and that they hold the copright of those images.