Club Policy & Rules
There are 24 competition weeks equally spaced throughout year. There are Set Subject and Open Subject competitions each competition week. Members may enter up to 2 images per competition and may NOT vote for their own entries. All points from ALL competitions for the year are accumulated by member and the highest score is awarded the Annual Winner. After close of a competition week, all members have seven days to vote for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th places in both open and set subject competitions..
General Instructions
Totally free membership
No charges for membership or competitions
Regular competitions
Members judge own competitions
Comprehensive but easy to use system
Ideal for those who have no access to a physical club
Joining Club & Logging on

Forgotten Password

Entering competitions

View Entries Current Comp

Voting in competition

View Results

Available Competitions

Leader Board

Winners Past Competitions

Alter / Remove Images

's Folio Page

Joining Club & Logging on
Step 1. Register as member.
From the Menu, select 'Log On'. This will take you to the 'Logon' page. Click on 'Join to Become a Member'. A page wil be displayed showing the terms and conditions of becomng a member. Read this carefuly and if you agree to the terms, click onTerms and Conditions Accepted or if not in agreement, click on Terms and Conditions NOT accepted to go back to the 'Logon' page. On the Register page the required details must be provided.
Name This is the name that will be displayed as the provider of any images submitted. It may be entirely fictitious. We have Ansell Adams as a member. It must however be unique.
Nickname A unique name used when logging on. It is not displayed to other than the user.
Email This must be a valid email address. It is used to verify membership and also to communicate with the member. It is not displayed on the website. Repeat the entry to ensure correct entry.
Password Unique password used together with the Nickname to log onto the system. Repeat the entry.
Unique four character prefix for photos These four characters are added to the name of any image uploaded to the site. It ensures that different members can have images of originally the same name.
Locality This is optional. You may enter town, state or country to identify where you are.
Click on the Submit button. A verification code will be sent to the email address provided. Depending on your email system, this code MAY be sent to your SPAM box. Access this code and enter in the Verify box provided. Click on the verify button. This is all the personal information ever required from you. You are now a member of the International Photographers Club group within the framework. All members are members of this club
Step 2. Logon
When you log onto '' the Logon page will be displayed. Enter the NickName and Password that you created when you joined the club. Click on Logon button. If your session times out at any time, you will be returned either to the Logon or Menu page. From the Menu page, select Logon to go back to the Logon page and re-enter NickName and Password
Forgotten Password
If you have forgotten your password click on Forgetten password? on the Logon page. Enter your Login nickname and the emailaddress you used when joining the club. click on submit. Your new password will be emailed to the email address provided when registering membership.Using that new password, you may click on the turquoise box to logon with the new password.
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Enter Competition
Restrictions on images able to be uploaded Images that are not .jpg or .jpeg and are larger than 20000Kb (20MB) will generate an error and will NOT be uploaded.
Select Enter Comp from the Menu page. The Upload File page will be displayed.The image of the most recently uploaded photo is displayed below the data entry boxes. The member should have decided which competitions to enter prior to selecting this menu option as photos are uploaded to enter nominated competitions. the current competition is automatically initially displayed. You may enter any future competition by selecting from the drop down list. You select Open or Set subject competition by clicking in the box provided. Click in the category box and select from the drop down list the category which best fits the photo NOT the competition category. Any appropriate details about the photo can be entered in the large text box.
Select the image to upload in the Choose filebox. Once the image is selected, click on the Upload button. If upload is successful, the image of the uploaded photo will display.
Reason for failure to upload. Photos will be rejected and error message displayed for following reasons -
  • Image is not .jpg or .jpeg
  • Image is larger than 20000Kb (20MB)
  • Image of same name has alreay been previously uploaded
  • File is not an image
  • No file selected
  • No year selected
  • No week selected
  • If competition does not allow multiple entries and permitted number of entries already made

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View Competition Entries
Select View Entries Current Competition from the Menu page. All images so far entered in the current competition will be displayed. Select Set or Open subject competition images to be displayed by clicking on the Switch Subject button. To view enlarged image click on the image or the number box to the right of the image. An enlarged image will be displayed on a new screen. To return to the previous screen, click on the Return to Comp Photos link at top of screen.Caution! Do not use browser back arrow to return to previous screen or you risk losing continuity.

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Vote for Competition Winners
Select Vote in Current Competition from the menu. Note that images for voting are not available until the Current Competition is finished. Competition entries may be viewed for seven days after the close of competition.
Note! Be sure to vote in both Set and Open competitions
View enlarged images To view enlarged image click on the image or the number box to the right of the image. An enlarged image will be displayed on a new screen. To return to the previous screen, click on the 'Vote' link at top of screen.Caution! Do not use browser back arrow to return to previous screen or you risk losing continuity.
Voting Points are awarded to each photo with 8 points for winner, 5 points for second, 3 points for third and 2 points for each of the highly commended (4th and 5th). Every entry receives 1 point for entering. These points are awarded for each voter's selection of winners. Points awarded are then tallied for each photo and highest point scorers are declared the winners. Each competitor's competition results are added to Leader Board totals. When calculating Leader Board positions, a check is made if member has voted in competition, and if so, 10 points are added to Leader Board total.
Take note of the number to the right of the photos you have selected for place getters. Enter these numbers in the appropriate boxes at the top of the screen. Double check your entries. Now click on the 'submit' button. Your selections will be displayed. You will have the option to accept the values you have entered or reject the current entries. If rejected, you will be able to re-enter and go through this routine again. If accepted and no other errors have been made, your vote has been cast!
Reasons for Rejection

  • If the nominated competition has had voting finalised, a message will be displayed and vote rejected. Remember that you have seven days after closing date of competition within which to cast your vote.
  • If the club rules nominate one vote only per member and you vote another time for same competition, a message will be displayed and vote rejected
  • If club rules stipulate that members cannot vote for their own photo and you do, a message will be displayed and vote rejected.
  • If you do not vote for different photos for each of the places, a message will be displayed and vote rejected.
  • If you enter a photo number of a photo not in nominated competition, a message will be displayed and vote rejected
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View Competition Results
Select View Results Last Competition The Results of the last competition completed will automatically be selected. If results for previous competition is required, select the year and competition week from the drop down selection boxes. There is an option to view votes either by voter or by photo. Click on which option you require. By voter will display a grid showing details of selected competition showing each of the voters and the photo numbers they voted for win, second, third and highly commendeds. By photo lists all photos in selected competition and the number of win, second, third and highly commended votes scored and the number of points received. 8 for win, 5 for second, 3 for third and 2 for highly commended). Each entry scores 1 point for entering. back to contents
Winners Past Competitions
Winners of past competitions will be displayed in reverse date order with 20 images per page. Continue to next page or previos page by clicking on 'next' or 'previous'. You may return to starting page at any time by clicking on 'Reset to start'.
To view enlarged images click on any image. You may continue viewing enlarged images by clicking on 'Next' or 'Previous'. back to contents
Alter / Remove Images
The caption of an image may be changed or you may remove an image from a competition that is not closed awaiting end of voting. The photos uploaded by the user will be displayed together with an identifying number on the right of the image.
Change Caption Enter the identifying number of the required photo in the box provided. If you only wish to provide a new caption, enter the new caption in the box provided. Click on the submit button.
Note that if you click on the 'submit' button with no new caption provided, the selected image will be removed to 's Folio Page.
Remove Photo Enter the identifying number in the box provided. Click on the submit button. The image selected will be removed from the competition and transferred to 's Folio Page. If you wish to re-enter the photo at a later date, you may transfer from the 's Folio Page to a new competition. back to contents
's Folio Page.
The Member Folio Page allows members to upload up to 100 images to their own folio. Images in this folio may have details altered or be removed from the site. Images in the folio may be assigned to club competitions. Your folio may be viewed by other members of your club. Note that images you remove from current competition will be transferred to the member folio.
Upload Images to your Folio jpeg images up to 20mb may be uploaded. Select the category for your image and enter any description you require for the image. Use the Browse button to select your image, then click on the Upload button.

Alter / Delete Image You may alter the existing caption for an uploaded photo or remove it from 's Folio Page and the site altogether.. The photos in 's Folio Page will be displayed together with an identifying number on the right of the image.
Change Caption Enter the identifying number of the required photo in the box provided. If you only wish to provide a new caption, enter the new caption in the box provided. Click on the submit button.
Remove Photo Enter the identifying number in the box provided. Click the Remove Photo button. Click on the submit button. The image selected will be removed from the 's Folio Page and from the site altogether.

Assign Image to Competition This routine is for entering normal Open Subject or Set Subject competitions.
All of the photos that are currently in 's Folio Page will be displayed. Each photo will have an identifying number at the bottom right of the image.
Ensure you are in 'Set Subject' or 'Open Subject' whichever is the competition you wish to enter.
Type the identifying number of the photo you wish to re-assign in the box provided.
Select the year and week of the competition in which you wish to enter the photo.
Click on the 'submit' button to complete the transfer.
Transfer will not take effect if you try to transfer a photo that is not yours
if the photo is already in nominated competition
if the nominated competition does not exist or
if the competition has a restriction on the number of entries you may have and you have already the maximum number of entries in the competition. back to contents